Remember this beauty ?

I just lol’ed at how these photos changed and got around the internet especially this one :

WTF am I missing, I dont see shit.


Never seen this one, no matter how much of the internet it may have gone around lol


sweet pic.

ya the way they changed the one bike to be white and the other to be factory blue and yellow is sweet, and the shadows are nice also, but the way they put K.A.T like it was scratched in really takes the cake

No picture on this end… In for later.

Paper or plastic?

… Plastic plz.

↑ fuck you, you dont see shit

damnit ill rehost


Meh, what the fuck!

There it is. And yes, they were good lulz.

I don’t? Rly?

its for anyone who remembers this thread by Paulo

Haha, Jesus H. Christ…


You are better off not seeing it…

This chick prolly committed suicide
