Remember to read the instructions before use....

From: “Chuck Jones” <>
To: “Paul Cunningham (E-mail)” <>
Subject: A340 600
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 15:32:42 -0700

Subject: A340 600

    These are pictures of the wreck of a brand new A340-600 in November
    2007, that had never flown. (never saw (1) hour in the air).  Thank
    these French and their Arab friends for this bit of "comedy of errors". 
    Nine employees of the Arab airline were in the aircraft, but "no
    employees" from Airbus were present.

    They taxied out to the run-up area.  Then they took all four
    engines to takeoff power with virtually an empty aircraft. (They obvious
    didn't read the run-up manuals.)  No chocks were set, (not that it would
    have mattered at that power setting) .. Brakes will not hold it back at
    full power anyway.

    As it turns out the takeoff warning horn was blaring away in the cockpit
    because they had all FOUR engines at full power. The aircraft computers
    thought they were trying to takeoff but it had not been configured
    properly (flaps/slats, etc, etc). Then one of these brain surgeons
    decided to pull the "Ground Sense" circuit breaker to quiet the alarms.
    This fools the aircraft into thinking it is in the air."A big,big mistake"!

    As soon as they did that, the computers automaticlly "released" all the
    brakes. ("this is a Safety feature so that pilots don't land with the
    brakes on".), there was no time to stop and no one smart enough to think
    of reducing the max power setting.....

    So the rest is as you see it in the photos.

    No one is talking, so who knows if there were survivors or who cares.

watched too many episodes of dukes of hazzard? but didn’t work with planes??

apparently it is NOT like flying afterburner in the arcade

guess the arabs thought the ramp was a skyscraper??

Bo Duke could have made it happen.

little weld here little weld there and some spray paint and you’ll never notice.

that’ll buff right out