Remnants of my 240 for sale.

GReddy Full Auto Turbo Timer WITH plug and play HKS harness $100
Rust Free Black Hatch: $50
Kingstar W411 winters on tears (approx 7/32 rear and 11/32 fronts): $300
Grey Hatchback Provacy Cover (MINT): $60
KYB GR2s with stock springs: $60 OBO
Pignose Bumper, hole cut for SMIC and nostrils taken out: $10
GTR Seat: $100 + tweed or leather seat
Half Flatblack hood: $10
Black Door Cards: $10

I NEED this stuff gone so offer away.

does hatch have spoiler?

no it doesnt if is the one he got from me its in good shape

Is in good shape and spoilerless

GTR seat right side or left?

USDM Drivers side… Just need to confirm with the person buying my 240 if I’m free to remove it.

PM box is full so serious inquiries call me at (416) 930-0265