remove my name from pittspeed

is there a way to remove my login name from pittspeed? i know some sites have it in the user options. do i have to go through that white kid?

wtf are you talking about? you dno’t want to be on here or have a name?

He thought he was joining a car club… :smiley:

i’m a waste of valuable server space.

no thats shelby…

:rofl: x8 bazillion


way to be an attention whore about it instead of just PMing an admin. faggot.

:rofl: :rofl: that white kid :rofl: :rofl:

i’m sure an admin could delete you, but i’m equally sure that it wouldn’t free up more than a Kb or two.

it would be better if we got rid of the both of you and shelby too.

so you could scalp our corpses for sexy wigs? :naughty:

i can delete him…

fuck you darkstar, you baby killing lefty.

thank you!!!


you have to kill babies… it would be inhumane to eat them raw.


:rofl: :rofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

if you only knew

i prefer them seared. pink and cold on the inside. :yum: