Rental Car Review v. Gallardo Spyder

we definently had the traction control off, but i have no basis for comparison to it being detuned. No sign of it being in any kind of “safe mode” :shrug:

$25k for pictures only? what a joke

wow, awesome.

I am not sure if its worth the money though…

bah, its vegas and you only live once. i bet you will never forget the feeling of cruising down the strip in a gallardo spyder, better yet rolling through mickey d’s drive-thru.

ok…I figured it out.

one of two things happend.

1.) You flexed and the guy renting the cars gave you the keys out of fear you would pick up the car and smash him across the face with it.

2.) You used the same pick up lines that have worked on all of the sexxxy NYSpeeders at the bar and the guy renting the cars was like…awww shucks…here…play with it…on me. (literally)