Renting/Borrowing a welder??

Well I was told by a former employee of a local tool rental place that they rented Welders. They rent every other fuckin thing so I figured I’d just go grab it when the time came. Well I called to reserve it for 2 weeks from now and they tell me they don’t rent them at all. Bummer.

So does anyone know a place I can rent a 135+ amp wirefeed welder that plugs into 110v? The only 220v I have would require about a 100ft extension cord from my basement to my garage. If by some chance my uncle would let me use his garage for a weekend the 220 would work but would rather not.

And if that doesn’t work… is there anyone here that would LOAN me theirs for a weekend? I will let the person loaning it borrow my 90amp as collateral. I will also return it with a full bottle (or use my own) and an extra roll of wire (even if I use my own).

Thanks if you bothered to read this far.