Replacement for the 07 Commander........

Well on the way into work this morning someone thought it would be a good idea for me to get a new SUV. They didnt have to t-bone me at 45mph with an F150 to tell me… I am thinking it will be totaled, the “A” and “B” piller moved about 3" inboard and other broken objects.

Now, I need another SUV.

PS I am glad I wasnt in the honda. And I am glad I didnt have my son with me.

wow…super shitty…glad your OK though…



glad to hear your ok!

driver or psngr side hit?

you okay?

wanna hug? or spoon?

Damn!! Call me when you get a chance.

geez sounds like a pretty bad impact, glad your ok

You work across from ingram micro?

get a Prius and stop supporting foreign oil with your gas guzzler SUV.


Stop driving your SUV to work! :shrug: In this case, glad you were by yourself, though.

Fucking hell. No neck injuries or anything? Yeah good thing your kid wasn’t with you, although something tells me he’d still be smiling.

If you want to take an Xterra (6 speed stick) for a spin now that you’re SUV shopping let me know. :tup:

i take it there is no longer racing on saturday?

damn dude. where did it happen?

Nah, we’re racing on Saturday fo sho.

Thats shitty but your right better to be in the Commander than a honda when getting pwned by an F-150.

Damn man. Glad you’re ok atleast, cars can be replaced.

Thanks man.

I have school tonight. so pics will be on old.

psngr side, well the smaller side now…

I will take a spoon and a hug


yeah, i wish i have my HANS on… i might have to walk the challange.

yes, i have worked here for the past five years. :snky:

prius dosent tow a racecar.


i think he would be pissed off at the fact that his DVD player is on a 30* tilt.

I am hurt not dead, shake and bake!!!

In front of your work…

shake and bake lol
damn Dan, glad your ok

OMG…glad you are ok Dan. That sucks :frowning:

Glad you’re okay, vehicles are replaceable, you aren’t!

Glad you’re okay dan. :tup: