My laptop needs to be replaced and I’m thinking about a tab. Anyone using a tablet for their home pc needs? I just browse the web and stuff like that. Can I still use programs like soulseek and torrent downloaders? I have a vizio tablet that I use but wondered if the more expensive ones were able to handle more functions like my laptop does. The vizio tab is ok for simple websites and games but it won’t handle multiple tabs or multi-task.
If you want to use it like a laptop, I’d consider the Windows 8 tablets. Soulseek runs only on Windows (think they might have a beta Mac/Linux client too). I’m pretty sure Android can run µTorrent however. If you want to go cheaper grab an HP tablet like the Slate that runs Windows 7. Buy a cheap USB keyboard and you’re all set. The windows tablet runs the full versions of Windows 7/8, so it can do anything a laptop can do. The performance is reduced however to fit the size
This is probably your best bet for a Windows 8 tablet, although there are cheaper ones available (different models)
Look into the Asus Vivotab line as well,some nice windows 8 tablets ranging from $400-800.
Would I be able to run HP tuners with the windows tablet? LZ?
DO they run on Windows?
The surface is actually very, very nice. Windows 8 is already oriented to be a touch-based OS anyways, so it’s a little akward using it on an actual desktop. But the surface (and many others) supports mouse use as well.
I wouldn’t