Report: Marijuanna != Cancer

This class act is priceless…

So, it doesn’t cure cancer persay… it just doesn’t contribute to causing it. hmm.

For example, lab research indicates that nicotine activates a body enzyme that converts certain chemicals in both tobacco and marijuana smoke into cancer-promoting form. In contrast, studies in mice suggest that THC blocks this enzyme activity.

awesome, im not gonna get lung cancer after all, pheww

I had a teacher in college once, his name was Tat-Hung Chan… We used to say, “Dr. Chan is the active ingredient in failing us…” (He did fail me the fucker) so THC will be THC for life…


great, make it legal so we can tax it.

Notice it vaguely mentions “lab research”.

I bet it was actually “lab class” at Ridgemont High.
The “head” researcher was Jeff Spicoli.



that would be immoral…

but sanctioned murder isnt.


hell no

plus then the underground economy would collapse

farmers would make money again

for a short time yes… until we starting importing it like crazy.