requesting photo of a 240

any one have a picture of a 240 (preferably black) with a wing like this on it?

I have a xenon wing that looks exactly like this that was on my 240 but I can’t find the photo.
I still have the wing its just off the car currently. I’ve searched google and the internet and this is the only thing that I can find that close to my wing.

thanks in advance

that looks like the wing off an fc.

yeah or like an talon spoiler or something but I have one for the 240 just wondering if any one else runs this or has ever seen this before.

reminds me of the R33 GTST wing

Never seen that wing before.

Why don’t you take the one that you have and test fit it on the car with tape? Then you’d have a better perspective on it.


Makes it look too much like a Talon, Ugly in my oppinion, Might just be it on a stock S13 though…

^^^ thats it. thats the exact one i have.
but black
thanks dude.
imo it doesn’t look that bad. looks unique

looks like from that angle it could pass as a watanabe (SP) wing…Maybe not…


yea man… ugly as fuck… I thaught you were getting rid of your 240 as well… Oh well…

wholly fuck is that white car a Plymouth lazer?

That’s one of the ugliest things I’ve seen in my life. Dude, please don’t put that spoiler on your car.

i guess i should burn the wing or something? everyone is a hater.
it came with my car and its off it now. just forgot what it looked like.


doooooo it ! put it on if u want it on. who cares what ppl think.

^^ lmmfao he just wants u to put it on so he can rofl @ your expense.

I should not have posted the pic I guess. lol

I’m glad you posted it dude.

maybe it will look better in black

there’s a 240 for sale with that wing on it…