Response to Soulja Boy Song insulting troops

Did anyone here about the rapper Soulja Boy’s song that bassically said f the troops. I heard about it but they deleted it everywhere, prolly for his saftey hahaha…but here is a song that a Sergeant wrote in reply to that


I “heard” that the govt bought all the rights to the song so noone could buy it. If so, that’s some bullshit him getting rich off it. Dude is gonna get whooped on.


nope. No one bought it. He decided to try to remove it from the internet on his own and has issued an apology.



Awesome :number1

Well done catchy tune. Thinking about downloading it actually :lol

Here’s another quality response.


But yea, here’s the shitty Soulja boy “song”.


Dudes a piece of shit and i personally dont care if he apologizes or not. Dude wouldn’t last in garrison little alone combat.

he fucking sucks to begin with. I think he is worse then little wayne, and I think lil wayne is fucking horrible. He is a POS. Its too late what he said. He will get whats coming to him.

that being said, I am very very interested to see if Eminem comes out with something now, pretty much ruining soulja boys career. Eminem is a very strong supporter of our troops…if you remember the song he made about Bush and going to war…


God I fucking hate the music now a days.

I doubt Em would come out with anything, Granted he in the past has been very political but i don’t think I’ve heard him go at anyone that dident disrespect him personally.

If he did he would shit all over Soulja Boys career, he doesnt rush shit like that, he lets shit brew and thinks about every lyric he’s going to throw at him. Would be fucking epic for sure

I sincerely hope that “artist” gets run over by a 6x6

In for killing that stupid ***

Funny thing about it is that he did apologize and he said he wants to do a USO tour now hahahaha. I would say it would probably be in his best interest NOT to do that tour haha he might not come home from it.

Nope want him to do the tour it’ll be funny as hell lol

Action Figure Therapy is always hilarious.

I am sure the troops can use one more person to defuse or detonate IED.

If he wants to insult the troops that protect our lives day to day he can get the Fuck out of the country then. God bless our troops. I would give every one of them a hand shake and tell them thank you for your service.

Soulja Boy music is pure garbage. and hes a piece of shit. it hurt my ears listening to that. do you even call that rap?

but that is what makes our country great, he has the right to say that if he wants to, and still be able to live in this country. no i don’t agree with him, but let him say whatever he wants.