Soulja Boys and Girls

as if the song isn’t annoying enough, thought this was pretty funny lol

“I’m worried Tommy’s crunking is starting to interfere with his schoolwork.”


damnn kids got hops

lol… i love dance.

Lol thats funny shit…and holy fuck do I HATE THAT SONG!!!

LOL,check this version out…last song on the player.:rofl:

Segment from a bulletin posted by ALPHA PSI on

…"Well, according to our songwriter/rapper Soldija Boy, now’s
the time to give up and ‘Superman Dat Ho’!!! I’ll try to keep this as
clean as possible for those of you who read this at work :slight_smile: So
basically, you let her fall asleep and you commence to ‘take things
your own hands’, you know, make it a party for one! Hopefully you
catch my drift by now. You then ‘release’ on her back while she’s
sleeping. Next, you take the sheets and cover her up with your little
soldiers still on her back. What happens next is actually the funny
part! Throughout the night, your liquid love will dry and wind up
sticking the sheet to that lovely lady’s back. When she awakens the
next morning, she’ll stand up with a sheet stuck to her back like a
cape! My friend, you have just Supermanned dat ho!!! The dude,

Soldija Boy, who sings this song is 16!!! What the hell is going on

with youth! In the words of Jay-Z, ‘I’m afraid for the future…’"


LOL,check this version out…last song on the player.:rofl:


makes me want to slit my wrist three times and hit my self with a rock then kill a cop, and killl a ho

so i suppose im the only one in here that can crank that?