Review - Shoot 'Em Up

Fantastic. 3.5/4 stars from me. This movie is quite entertaining to say the least. It’s not realistic by any means but it pokes fun at such films as Transporter(2), James Bond or any action movie with lots of bullets (e.g. Stallone, Schwarzenegger). Plus, there seems to be an affinity for BMW in this movie. They smash a Mercedes but the Bimmers seem to be invincible.

Movie stars Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci.

HA!.. I knew it. I said I wanted to see this and the wife was saying all the reviews were terrible. I told her reviewers only like movies about chick boxers or gay cowboys.

Does Clive Owen do any driving? He was a stunt driver before he was an actor (hence the BMW films), so I always look forward to his stuff…


Does Clive Owen do any driving? He was a stunt driver before he was an actor (hence the BMW films), so I always look forward to his stuff…


Of course he does. He is in a Bimmer twice in the movie, driving both times.


Neo should have tapped that when he had the chance. :meh:

I’d never miss church if they were all like that one.


Of course he does. He is in a Bimmer twice in the movie, driving both times.


well then it is already a smash hit with some of the forum.

Saw it today, I liked it.

yeppers, i saw it friday. i went in expecting guns, fights, and boobies. Thats exactly what i got…:tup: On top of it i got to see some 328is e36 action for a bonus. I woulda payed 2X the price of the ticket if i woulda known this.

:tup: :tup:

Hilarious, and completely unbeleivable I loved it.

that movie is crazy. when they named it Shoot Em Up they weren’t kidding

It really is entertaining.The CGI is the worst EVER,the carrots are out of control,bullets,a hot chick and boobies.The antagonist makes the movie IMO.


“How hard is it to move your fucking finger an inch down…”