Review: The Number 23

From watching the previews I thought this movie was going to be non stop action suspense, etc. However about 45 minutes into it I was bored to death. You pretty much can figure the whole thing out very quickly into the movie. Still with some decent suspense scenes, a plot that you can figure out but sill at times makes you second guess it was worth going and seeing.

Anyways it was still a good plot, and one of Schumachers more interesting creations.

I give it a 4/5.

On a side note if you watch this you probably will start trying to relate your life to the movie, and I did. Randomly my birthday is 11/12 which 11+12=23, then on the way out of the movie my gf goes “What time is it?” I looked at my watch and go “9:14” and everyone around us leaving mumbles 23… and glances at their watch (9+14=23) it was kinda funny.

But yeah go watch it or download it, it’s worth checking out in the theatre at you get to see some kick ass up and coming previews.

Is Jim Carrey the killer?

He is isn’t he…

i thought the previews looked pretty good, i will probably go see it

lets not turn this into a spoiler thread. ZONG

I went and saw this I liked it. Jim Carrey was great

Saw it tonight, and loved it. I didn’t see the ending coming.

some chicky magazine my woman has only gave it 2 stars

lets be honest it was really your “chicky” magazine its ok we wont judge:lolsign:

Joking of course?.. right?.. GASP?.. Your serious?.. oh NOES!!!

Anywho, Carey flicks always rock. Go watch it peoples!

I liked it.

i wanted to see it, but will probably just download :shrug:

i’m reporting you to authorities.



…ok jk

watched this last night.

i liked it.

thought it was pretty good.

the movie was ok, the the 23 however is a real phenomenon, interesting read