Rhys Millen's new Pike's Peak car

Bad ass

Hi Lance

Hey Travis… watch the video

I did, cool car!

So what is lb/hp on this thing, 2:1?! Doesn’t look great but must haul a$$…

Base engine was the 3.8 V6 from the Genesis?

thats fuckin nastyyyyy

that thing is crazy. looks like fun to drive.

so sick


Its fueled by redbull…

Whatd you guys expect?

That is nasty. Looks like the old Toyota GT-ONE. Is Pikes Peak a road you can just go drive on, that they block off for events?

Not what I was expecting to see at all. I’d like to see an Ari Vatanen “climb dance” type video made with this car.

did not expect the car to look like that… sickkk!