Rib Fest

great food and an awesome concert on Friday, The Clarks. tonight and tommorrow have concerts too

Lines sucked.

I waited in line for over an hour and missed half of the Clarks show. I had the ribs from the Texas place, they were excellent.

show the pics *ALL OF THEM

my buddy was down there doing something like RC drag racing


ribs are great but there’s no such thing as a good Clarks show

wow…really…THATS GAY!

Did he beat your neon?


my uncle won the rib fest cook off like 8 years ago. mmmmmmm good ribs. My family also has an annual pig roast. mmmmmm pig roast.

proof sent to JJ’s automotive or i call :bsflag:!

i’ll trade you ribs for a set of headers

1 of the cars he has, yes…

trucks, no…

his 2 cars whooped the shit out of the 5.0 :rofl: