
the bugatti is fucken sick, id still drive it in a heart beat, and the corolla…thats a dumbass pic, they dont even have vtec, whomever made the pic clearly just wants attention

3MP phone, pfft. Try 5 MP! It’s sweet… You need an upgrade 8)

Unfortuniatly the dreams you lust of me wishing I had a sub par 100 dollar Hight Intensity Discharge lighting kit inside improper housings is false. Fail.

Aparently you also have no idea how lighting works either, Luis.

I have had HID lighting since before you had wheels which were copied by a company looking to make money off of Works design.

That twinkle star 240 is hillarious… wtf is going on with that thing?

Dan…buddy… pal… you never told me you had a sister! She doesn’t look like you though does she?? :noes:

Nah, you can have her though. Mike’s seen her, I tried to hook them up haha!


If you watch degrassi jr high, i will garuntee that Luis is older than you and has a WICKED lighting setup in his car.

Please shut your trap.

^ lol…

dam, the waste of money on worthless mods people put on their cars…
all show but no go usually, SUPA KONS is what they call them in Japan :wink:

this was a phrank on from one member to another -former- member of son.

repost obviously for O.G’s
but still funny.

jam toast for the win!



ahh i see my master piece of jantos’s car is still kicking around, those were the good old days


saw this and couldent help it



And is it just me or does that 86 have a gauge on the hood? facing the wrong way…

i also noticed that…but judging from the lisense plate, i think it was meant to be like that.

LOL forget the plates,
look at the HOOD!

lool , arent those canadian tire rims? with the cheapo spinners haha, and wtf is on the side mirror? lool

the funny thing is it has some nice dayton’s on it but then the put hubcaps over it

oh and look at the offset lol

HAHAHAHAHAHA… All valid. But has anyone seen some kids rices out Sunflower in the Aurora area. He chills at the Tims on Yonge and bombs down back roads and Yonge St. Its white, with some crazy body kit goin on, whited out tail lights and lambo doors… It cracks me up. Kiddo chills with a group of all riced Cavies and actually I think he was with a GTS-t at timmies last time…

Ill snap a pic when be RIIIIIIIIIIIIIICES by my place next… You can hear him for miles.

the veyron belongs to nigo who created bape

shoes and clothes
or a bathing ape thing ?