Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

come on guys, lets take the drama down a level…


what a clown

Ped, relax man, Ali’s a good guy. And so are you. You two would get along really well in real life, garuntee it.

What a tool.

grow up…

Ali, sorry bro, but you cant even spell pity properly…i think you should just let it go while you’re ahead…sorta

Oh and IMO, and im sure solarian would agree with me if he isnt chasing some korean jailbait, the next person to argue about the value of their S-Chassis is the token tool of the Richmond Hill meet. Period.

Reading the trivial arguments over something as the price of how much you think you’re car’s worth kills brain cells. If you want to be like that, go find an invader kit for your S-Chassis and go join TCC. Grow the hell up.


Thanks for the spell check Will, but the whole point of my rant was just to state that, since we all own cars that are pretty much in the same price range, we should get rid off the im better than everyone cause I own a 240 and “fuck FWD’s” attitude. Cause at the end of the day we dont All own supercars.

Also Will, since we are on the subject of spelling, you can’t even spell your right. You know im joking and I hope your also joking about Soli-boy chasing korean Jailbaits.

My car > your car.

I just bought my 240 on monday. I am thinking I will bring it out tonight to the meet. I am getting the clutch slave cylinder replaced this weekend, and hoping to paint front/back bumper and hatch to match better. Also the stock seats are too curved for my back. I need racing seats.

Heres picks


I don’t think anybody will be meeting tonight on account of the rain.

I’m coming tonight

im their in spirit boys…im holdin down the east coast for the winter…stiiky…is ur car on the road yet?

i was there rain stopped, not bad to end the season for me at least.

I was there at 9:18pm and so was a cop car.

I will be there on time at 9pm.

is this on tonight? someone let me know, i may come out even though its raining

I’m down for tonight