Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

yea im up for somethin tonite, its gonna be a nice nite and i just did a tune up Woo lol

Head to my place.

(905)760-0049 call me after 10pm whoever wants to come. If i’m not home yet, lv a msg with whoever answers and hopefully they’ll tell me.

i may take a little cruse up depending on how i feel. im not trying to navagate my way in again, or i will but not with matts directions… if you can call them that

Nobody tonight?

i tihnk its gonna be a weak turnout as always.

Thats because Osad destroyed this meet a year ago.


I was there at 10. There was no other car in the lot, so I left =/

:frowning: What’d I do? I kept it alive! I was the only one there every week.

I hope your joking, because if not, that’s fuckin BS.

I say you two fight. To the death. With samurai swords. At dawn.

Make it dusk and I’m there.

I do like the Richmond Hill meets myself it’s just I can only make it out 1-2 times a month… :frowning:

But yeah we should keep them going I think.

Would’ve liked to see the G Antonio! :smiley:

Yea, I actually cruised by quite a few spots. I went there first, then I hit up Kennedy Commons, and it was also dead, and then I went to Commerce. I didn’t see anyone at Commerce either until I was just about to leave and I saw Vlad. But he was just there by himself, no meet or anything.

lol Antonio you looked like you had a few, I liked the paint of your car btw, what colour is it ?

Haha, it’s the Ivory Pearl, I went to great lengths to get that colour, I’m absolutely in love with it. I was actually pretty sick that Friday, that’s why I seemed so out of it, not sure if I still had my voice at that time, but I know that when I went out Sat night, I had to whisper the entire night, my voice had completely dissapeared.

early in the summer before any mod’s thanks.

anyone wanna meet up for a bit this week?

Can’t make it out this week, but we should keep these going and I might pop out next week.


where at commerce gate is this meet?1

It’s not at CG, fastback240 is just an idiot.

I, aswell as others, have expressed interest in getting this meet going again, hopefully at full force this spring/summer.

Why don’t we set one up for this coming friday the 28th? If anyone is interested.

Ed, I’ve been hearing lots about your S12 and would love to take a look at what it has become over the past 2 years or so, from the last time I saw it haha!

Anybody up for it?