Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

lol to tonight. was fun POST PICS!!

agreed! upload!!!

good things come to those who wait fuckers.

theres 205 pictures that are 4mb each… shit takes a while to upload.

Glad i made the trek. It was nice meeting some new faces.

Minute maid juice for sale

such a ridiculous fun time. :slight_smile:

pics are up.

im glad i came even tho its so far!

Not that far lol!!! Good times guys!!!

Sebastian you bring the juice next time…Have to keep everyone healthy!

I wish I came earlier and stayed longer because sounds like I missed some funny shit

yo anyody up for meet tonight AJAX!!! lol more ppl comign itll be fun!

Anyone up for tonight in the hill?

i’ll be at commerce gate chilling. if you guys are meeting at the timmies can someone meet at cg to tell me. lol. since i dont have a cell phone on me. i will just be in the arcade.

i got my wheels apart, can i give the centers to you today?

come to ajax and yes
we need more 240s. so come out.

Your in the wrong hood son…your in the land of Z28s and TAs!!!

I have plans tonight but I may stop by after…

Anyone want to meet up tonight for coffee or no…I know it`s last minute lol

I think I’m going to mission out this week, friday is supposed to be bomb ass weather!

yes mark do it up! i want to see your vert!

Guys seriously. This is a thread for the friday night meet in r-hill.

If you are setting up random days to just chill with your buddies, do it on msn, pm, facebook, PHONE…

Thats not what this thread is for.

If you guys are still cheellin after midnight, that’s when I get off. So I can probably be there for 12:30am. Might even have the S12 out :slight_smile: