Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

I wouldve been down to show if i didnt get off work so late.

meet was off the rocks 20+ cars show up

Best meet i have been to in a long time, even beat the number of corvettes from the other night! but they went for a cruise so they get +1
Heres my vids.
And here is my car

^ nice meeting you bro, and a few other new people :slight_smile:

was a good meet overall, lots of turnouts this time too!

Huge turnout!

fuck. LOL i cant beleive i missed a big one.

yeah man big ass turnout. i guess now that the weather is good people are gonna start showing

so…which person were you i need help putting faces to usernames because i didnt even ask anyone, what car did you drive, what did i talk to you about?

red line is the brown one. LOL
that should single him out pretty ez.

haha, fo sure, I was the guy with the fairly mint white 240sx with the bad ass oldschool jdm “muscle car” rims :wink:

Wow, you LOVE to stroke your own cock don’t you?

^^ who doesnt LOL

Too much info…

where the f is my kouki wing.

I was in the Black pignose with the badly mounted sideskirts that showed up relatively late, you may have noticed me when i told red_line aka kingshit of RWD to stop shitting on FWD cars on the forums, nice to meet ya btw =D

shut up will.
u deadbeat.

Wow, did I miss this??

Great turn out. i know i was one of the last getting there, honestly i wasnt expecting a turn out like that. Good to see some new faces

get a life Willy, you can’t change the majority’s opinion on fwd lol…it’s sad to see how much you think of me…or others opinions to heart…on a forum, very single life eh? :cool:

you didn’t miss anything, just a random burst of emotion from Will which was raising his voice a few octaves with a bit of profanity…then back to quietness, doubt anyone else payed attention;)

Gurpreet, banter between me and you only works since we both arent exactly sensitive about whats said to us, but you shouldnt assume the same about everyone; you might end up stepping over the line with some people