Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

^^ bring that jewish girl LOL

k im bringing 1 person for sure tmrw.

I’ll see what I can do, then again…it’s a car meet, and doesn’t click too well with most girls lol :stuck_out_tongue:
Dan, you just wanna get your hands on a Jewish girl eh? whatever happened to the one you brought last time? haha

Idunno, I don’t wanna put up with her so much.

LOL freakin JAPs eh.

so im bringing lots of ppl. :smiley:
should be a BIG turnout!!! everyone COME!

i too am coming… and i too am bringing lots of ppl… probly around 25 ppl or so packed in my s14… with trunk open obviously… how are you guys bringing all these ppl in your cars?

She was chilling with my girl yesterday…weired.

I would bring girls but them most of you will try to pick them up, and by that I mean you will come on to them in a very desperate and creepy way, and then I have to explain myself as to why I brought them there. LOL. Well most of you guys are allright.

is there a list for today yet?
osad bring those bushings.

  1. Ciaran (breaker77)

no list fuck the list. no many pl already

Im down like syndrome.

will this meet be bigger than last friday’s?! haha…crazy if so!

next week im goint to go i forgot game seven was on of the finals tonight… to bad nice night out too

i’ll be there, i’ll try to convince my buddy to bring his Lexus buddies again :smiley:

Yaaa, didn’t happen for me. Hope it was good.

'Twas good. :lol: 20 cars probably, good meet.

fucker. i brought the deck finally and you dont show.



That was pretty much the same context as if you were speaking in person :slight_smile:

:lol: goat fucker hahaha good times lmao

k so whos up for tmrw!?
im down.

btw must get food again. oh man that beef was good.
and Cal if your reading this, im to broke to buy ur helmet now.
Bryan lol, bringz z kouki wing (drooling)

I most likely will be there without my car again.