serves him right, i hope he like bein one poor son of a bitch.:banghead:
yea but hes gotta be fun to party with
actually i’m glad they test for it. serves him right. he makes all that money yet he will just throw it away because he can’t stay away from getting high in the offseason :rolleyes: he doesn’t realise how lucky he was to be in the nfl.
That is very true. It could be a missed test.
Why the fuck should they not get tested you dumbass. Tis still an illegal drug, I got tested in the Marine Corps for marijuana and the first thing I did when I went for my state police physical was get tested. But you might be right since he makes a few million a year he should not be tested for illegal drugs. You my friend are a moron.
:applauds: :tup:
I’ll take moron fo’ shizzle for +1
its not a performance enhancing drug. he should not be suspended. he could choose to take de-tox, or be filled with someone elses urine (yes, they do reverse cathaters sp) if he really did fail the test and not just miss it i think he is trying to prove a point, as rediculous as it may sound.
mark mcguire and jose canseco were shooting roids their entire career, but you want him suspended for smoking a substance that grows naturally in the environment???
and mcguire and canseco’s careers are tainted imho. their stats mean nothing to me because of what they did to get there.
think of it this way. your employer makes u take a drug test. you fail. what happens next? lookin for a new job aren’t you. why should a professional athlete be any different?
Serves him right? Its his fucking body to do whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. Do any of you guys own this dude or his body? No, so stfu. He even said in one of his interveiws, when should he STOP playing football? When both of his knees are wrecked and possibly has other worse injuries? He has proved what he can do already, does he owe anything to any of you losers?
Totally different. A company will make you take a drug test when the job involved most likely has to do with operating some sort of machinery or other misc things that if you fuck up, the company has to pay for or you could even kill someone. A football player is obviously not going to be smoking pot during a game, they are not that stupid. Even if he smoked during the week of a the playing season, what effect is that going to have on anyone?
I was gonna run the ball
but then I got high
I was gonna break through the wall
but then I got high
now I got kicked off the team, and I know why, yeah yeah
because I got high
because I got high
because I got high
so what heavy machinery do circuit city employees operate? because they test there, and lifting a dvd isn’t going to kill anyone…
seriously, the way i look at it is, he had it MADE. and he thru it all away, for what. so he could get high? give me a break. he had his chance
You are driving customers cars in and out of the garage, correct? Thats why they drug test you.
me personally, yes. the people who cash out all day on the register? hell no. the people who stock dvd’s and cds? no
its the principle of the matter. you do illegal shit, you get caught, u get in trouble. end of story
What I want to REALLY know is if Ricky Williams has even complained about this whole situation? I know he has said things in his interviews, but is he DEMANDING these interviews so he can complain about all of this? You are all saying “those are the consequences for doing illegal things” but how do you know he hasnt accepted them?
i’m just saying anyone professional athlete in general, this topic just happens to be about ricky williams
He is a dumb pothead, thats what he gets. Next time dont be a loser and you might remain a millionaire.
how about because its ILLEGAL TO SMOKE WEED, regardless of your position or profession.
haaa haa ahaaaa awesome…:tup: to Krazyjon too