thank you
It has been said before but to make it a clear point.
He is a professional…he gets paid under CONTRACT to conduct himself in a certain manner. Team mandated or league mandated…a variety of drugs are considered banned substances. So even if it does not enhance his abilities, it is still NOT ALLOWED. They could say eating cheerios isnt allowed, and to play in the league u play by their rules. THATS WHY HE GETS PAID. If he wanted to carry the rock in mexico on a sand dune and smoke up all day…god bless, but he doesnt, he wanted the $ so he agreed to play under the NFL rules…whatever they may be. I just don’t understand how Nick Saben his head coach can claim that Sticky Williams is a class/character leader of the team. Just because they are based in Miami doesn’t mean the drug peoples are role models. :tdown: to those lame dolphins anyway…bleh
ibpotheadslameassexcuses oops too late
Drugs are drugs. They should be more strict.
It would obviously make sense that cops and soldiers on drugs would be a bad idea, you moron. are professional athletes carrying guns and potentially saving or taking lives as part of their daily routine?
Besides, if he’s in India, no guarantee of illegality.
I’m not condoning him violating the policy, i think hes a fucking idiot for doing it, but i don’t think it should be one. Do you get fired for getting a speeding ticket?
are you serious right now…
holy crap you’d think somthing like this is just common sense :roll:
I am convinced half of you that agree with the bush faced metrosexual running back are indeed high…and thats why you are agreeing.