Ricky Williams returning?

i heard on sportcenter a few days back he was trying to make a return to football and possibly the dolphins. i think that its bullshit and would not want him back on mine or any team. he knew the dolphins offense was built around him. i mean hes an excellent player but just fucking a team over like he did makes him selfish and a selfish player will ruin a team fast.

welcome to last week

i hope that hippe pot smokin jig breaks his leg. zach thomas made it pretty clear he didn’t want ricky back. Sorta reminds me of playmakers, when the crazy white LB hated the drug takin black RB… Why do you think the NFL put presure on ESPN to take that show off…because is was mostly true!

i realize it was a few days ago but i was just thinkin about it and wondered what you guys thought about it :finger2: :finger2:

playmakers was a pretty good show.

i dont see what team would take him…the dolphins dont want him. he made it clear that if he would come back it would only be for 1 year. so why even bother. its obvious he is just coming back to keep from repaying the money, not because he WANTS to play football. The fact that he quit, his heart isn’t in it, and its for 1 year makes him worthless.

the episode about the gay tight end…kyle brady
harris’s friend murdering someone…ray lewis
over the hill RB wanting traded…emitt smith
the owner…jerry jones/al davis/george steinbrenner
fat black lineman…nate newton/eric williams


as worthless as he seems you know there is a team that is willing to sign him for a year.

yeah, probably

he only wants to return for one season and they offered him like 20 mill…

Enter Bravada 442 with his PRO NFL comments, he will tell us all that we don’t know what we are talking about and give us the real low down

plus a brick of weed

Holla! I actually agree with Cutty 100%… I never really thought of it that way, but those comparisions to the actors on Playmakers are sort of hard to ignore… The NFL offices have alot of power, so I wouldnt be suprised if they did actually force it off the air b/c of the reality of some of that shit.

good… now this thread can be closed, he has spoken!