more lol'ing at the stoner

Williams out indefinitely after breaking arm

    	  	  		 		 		 		<b>Associated Press</b>

REGINA, Saskatchewan – Running back Ricky Williams broke his left arm in the second quarter of the Toronto Argonauts’ 26-23 victory over the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Saturday night and is out indefinitely.

 Argonauts coach Mike "Pinball" Clemons confirmed the injury but did not specify which bone was broken.
 "He has a broken arm, so he's going to be out for a little while," Clemons said.
 Williams, who was not available for interviews, left the game midway through the second quarter after a 3-yard gain when he was tackled by several Saskatchewan players, including linebacker Mike McCullough. X-rays taken at a Regina hospital revealed a broken bone.
 "He was actually holding himself off the ground," Clemons said of Williams. "He was running with the ball and he was trying to hold himself up, I think. It was a pile of people and we saw him coming down.
 "We knew he was hurt when he came off the field. It looked like it was his shoulder [from] the way he was leaning, but it turned out be his arm.
 "You're talking about some fortitude. It's a clean break. He just came off quiet, didn't say a thing. Like, I'd have been screaming."
 Williams finished with 17 yards on four carries, including one run of 16 yards. He entered Saturday's game sixth in the league in rushing with 214 yards on 53 carries with one touchdown in four games.
 Williams is playing in the CFL after he was suspended by the NFL for one year after violating the league's substance abuse policy for a fourth time. He is still under contract with the NFL's [Miami Dolphins](
 Any games Williams misses will be the first he sits out due to injury since a broken left ankle forced him to miss the last six games of the 2000 NFL season, when he was with the New Orleans Saints.

“he came of quite”

cus he was doped up :gotme:

i bet it was like, hey rick, your arm has a bone going through it and rickey responds, shit man, your rigghtttttt

marijuana is like the worst drug in the entire world, omg omg omg

404 relation to marijuana not found


yeah, so he broke his arm. I bet the weed made it all weak and stuff. Probably affects him even more cause he’s black.

thats not the point

the point is he threw away millions of dollars and a secure life of being a multimillionaire baller so that he could go find his chi or whatever the fuck he was doing while in nepal or wherever he was.

i dont care that he smokes pot.

however, i think it is funny to look at what he threw away.

now he has a broken arm and cant play in the CFL.

i think it is mildly comical

:lol: fuck his dumb ass

or it’s a strong political point that’s being made

sometimes that’s worth more than money to people

hes black…everyone knows black people only smoke crack :bloated:

you’re joking right :noob:

this guy threw away a world class career for pot and has been on nothing short of a downward spiral because of it…

he was a guaranteed hall of famer…now hes the fucking joke of the league…

Drugs are bad M’kay


wwho the fuck cares about that waste of space anyways

No disagreements that he threw away his career for it, i just dont think it should have came down to that :gotme:

i guess i should recognize when i’m a noob though, I joined 5 days after you

I will never understand why people care so much about others peoples lives.

When do YOU think he shouldve retired? When his knees are completely shot? When he gets a couple concussions and cant think for himself?

yeah, i guess that’s it for me - he’s doing what he wants to do, it doesn’t bother me any.

lol, retired

williams FUCKED HIMSELF by WALKING OUT ON HIS TEAM for marijuana

if his knees are so bad, why is he playing in the CFL? i understand why he HAD to come back to the NFL (8million reasons a year to be exact), but if he is SUSPENDED, why is he still playing for a club with NO AFFILIATION to miami or the rest of the NFL when he could be quietly toking away back home?

and joe, you’re a nub for not realizing the pot reference…no reason to “404 not get it”…ricky williams life is ruined because of pot and he should be looked down upon for his monumental failure

not saying pot is bad nor do i condone it, but ricky williams is a fuckup and i opt to laugh at him…greatly and often…and he makes it easier by doing this…

ricky williams is sweet

he still has money, the ability to get more money, and im sure he’ll live.
He probably wanted to #1 stay in game shape so hes not out of a job next year when hes allowed to come back, and #2 keep his name out there when hes looking to catch on with a team next year.

even lawrence phillips got another contract after kicking ass in NFL europe, and that dude sucked at life.

lol, no team will ever want him after his latest “bust” since i think his next bust means hes out of the league…i think the NFL’s three strike policy is that way

but maybe thats his intention…hrm…

the dolphins are hanging on to him to so they don’t lose out on their 8 million that they love dangling in from of him, b/c if he tries to leave, they are going to make him pay them back a la the whole reason he “unretired”