more lol'ing at the stoner

How many people know about ricky williams? Thousands and thousands of people are talking about him. He made himself known, after that, who fucking cares what he does?

This is my point: What have you done in your life where millions of people know who you are? The dude can make millions anytime he wants to. Can you do the same, shaun?

If yes: Then I will shut up.
If no: Then :gtfo: with all this Ricky Williams smoking pot bullshit.

wtf is up your ass

can the dude make millions? NO, b/c he owes the dolphins a shit load

thousands of people are talking about him, and thousands more are LAUGHING at him and what a fuck up he is now

maybe he can make millions to pay off the millions he NOW OWES b/c of his decisions

comparing his life to mine is completely pointless, and why you choose to defend him boggles me

seriously, your argument goes in so many different ways, how am i supposed to reply other than “hes a fuckup who has destroyed the rest of his life”

if hes so well off, why is he playing in the CFL? oh thats right, b/c he’s fucked and can’t retire without fucking himself deeper into a hole

thats happiness right there bro, thats the kind of fame i would fucking love to have :tup: so in that respect, no, i can’t do the same

guess i’ll just back out of ricky williams smoking pot bullshit

btw, i would love to get on 60 minutes for the same great reason he did

that would complete my existence…b/c then “millions would know who i am”

this guy might have been some fucking kids role model…but then again shit, he did just show every little kid in america that pot can fuck up your life :tup:

maybe ricky williams is cool…

the edit button’s on the bottom right

i think you need prescription drugs to calm down


yeah, that’s my thing with his responses and the vibe i’m getting. i swear he’s beating his dog and sledgehammering the tv between posts

In his head, his life isnt fucked up at all. He played football and he played really well. He didnt want to play anymore. End of story. Now he has all of these “football experts” telling him he HAS to play football still or else he is a fuckup loser.

Why you care so much baffles me. Seriously, why DO you care?

my care/concern lies in that i think his life is now comical

i didnt post this with a huge tirade of anger towards ricky williams…its more of a “look at the continued downward spiral of ricky williams career”

i didnt post this to say haha pot is bad, or stupid stoners are worthless, i posted this because this is what he chose, this is the life he now has to lead

pro-sports unfortunately isnt about what you want to do sometimes. he signed a contract that he agreed to. it doesnt take a “football expert” to understand how a contract works. he violated it, now he has to pay for it. it really is an “end of story” thing…and that end is he now HAS to play football

what makes me laugh is that since he is suspended, why is he wasting time playing in the CFL, especially if he doesn’t want to play football anymore?

i care because he threw away a great career, even if it was with a rival team like the dolphins. it pisses me off that he made that decision, and it almost pisses me off that he has to endure all this shit now. but its his decision and he has to live with it

sorry i posted a current sports article on a public forum…didnt really think it would draw such hatred…jesus…

wtf dude, sorry i have to defend myself in between beating my dog and cursing at telemarketers…

why do you care to respond? if you don’t like the article or the thread, stay out instead of starting shit…

chris, ghetto, seriously:

6th post in states exactly why i posted this thread

ghetto is all pissed off b/c he thinks i hate pot, which is not the case
chris, i dont know why hes pissed off

sorry i referred to ricky williams as a stoner and sorry it got both your panties in a bunch…sams post is what makes me chuckle…you don’t agree, go read another thread :gtfo:

Sam said this: (which ironically enough was posted at 4:20)

I said this:

There are more things in life than to just be a “baller millionaire”. It is HIS choice to throw away his millions. Obviously, money isnt all that important to him. He would rather have his life be like how HE wants it to be.

nah, i don’t think you hate pot. i don’t even smoke it, just not my thing.

i’m with chris. he just did what he wanted to :tup:

(not what i would personally do)… but it’s not my situation. not hurting me any :gotme: and the kids and the role model thing… well, there’s a lot of other role models out there. good and bad. he’s a person like anyone else, in some pretty goofy circumstances, but i don’t know

i guess it just doesn’t bother me as much as it does other people, that’s all.

I find it pretty funny that you think we are actually pissed off. Another thing I find funny is this:

Im pretty sure he cares a whole bunch what people think of him. I think what it really comes down to, is that Ricky Williams was YOUR hero and now you are all upset that he’s not making billions of dollars anymore and wanted to step out of the game. Or, maybe you invested a crap load of money in his rookie cards or something? Idk, man.