riddle i suppose....

ok, my friend told me this riddle i guess it was. its been buggin me since sunday when he told me. i dunno if he is fuckin with me or if this is a serious riddle. conversation went something like this:

whats the difference between an orange?

me-between an orange and what?

no, whats the difference between an orange?

me-what the fuck are you talkin about, you cant have the difference between one thing?

just trust me, whats the difference between an orange?


a rabbit, becuase a vest has no sleeves,

me- WHAT?!

think about it- and he drove away

what the hell kinda sense does that make?

what were you guys smokin’?


we were both sober…we were workin(lawn maint) and he drove up beside me on the z-mower and thats where the conversation started. im hopin he was just messin with me cuz that dont make any sense to me at all…apparently it doenst to you guys either.

I just knew those lawn chemicals were bad for you.

haha, yup that proves it


your car is purple… :kekegay:


Its dark blue god damn it :madfawk:

its purple fag lol j/k. Was it foo that told you that! If so it will never make sense

nah wasnt foo, this was at job #2

Sounds something Ray or Gary would tell you

that shit is funny if you ask me!!!

your friend in on acid.

Delusions of Grandeur