Ride on Sunday (4/7) around 1PM?

Don’t feel that way. If anyone rides to an extent that makes you feel uncomfortable, just don’t ride near them. I think we all can respect that. I don’t like riding with guys who wanna do 120 through traffic … people like that I completely avoid, but I think we’re harmless. Yeah, some stunting goes on, and if some of Sean’s friends come out tomorrow, maybe a little more stunting :lol, but, just ride your own ride. We’re all out to ride and have fun.

As I said, I’d like to take maybe the lake ride tomorrow or something. It’d be a straight ride basically up to the bridge, then from there some nice curvy mountain roads.

I don’t have the balls to stunt my R6 after the money I dumped into her, and I don’t speed; 91teg can attest to that since they took off on me a couple times, but we don’t leave anyone behind (Permanently :lol). Again, just out riding with a small group having a good time.

Riding alone is boring, you know you wanna come tomorrow!