Ride on Sunday (4/7) around 1PM?

Yea. I’m out too. Very windy and wet up here. Bike is staying covered for the day. Maybe next weekend

Yah prob a good idea. How were the roads yesterday guys? I know the towns were sanding the piss out of em this winter! For that i usually wait till we get a good rain to wash the shit away.

Yesterday was a blast!


Tomorrow (Mon) the weather is 65* and sunny, with only a 9mph wind

Yeah I’ll definitely be riding to work tomorrow. I get home @ 4. Anyone feel free to hit me up if you wanna go for an evening ride around 5. If you don’t have my number, PM me for it

I get out at 5 but i work in Malta so ill be like a half hour late.

Yeah it’s whatever. I just said 5 for the hell of it. If I don’t hear from anyone, I may just go fishing.

Tomorrow is looking really good. Im up for some cruising. Time and place?

I rode into to work a bit cold… I accidentally cut off a Harley thinking I had enough room to merge but I guess he didn’t agree :confused: sry bud if ur on here

The scooter died again, had to take the bike out on the job hunt today.