Ride this Sunday

So my buddy and I are thinking of taking a ride this weekend.
No really sure to where but prolly leaving Clifton Park area around 1ish.

If you interested, hit me up

I’m interested. I’ll have to take a nap after work still (get out 8am)

I start my nap at 8AM too:lol Depending on where and what time I might be up for a cruse.

Im working all the way up through Wednesday, then leaving Wednesday night to go to Indy … then come home Monday night, work Tuesday morning through Thursday, then leave Thursday night to go to Myrtle Beach, then come home on Saturday a week later, work Sunday and Labor Day, then College starts Tuesday.

There goes my August. x_x

I’ve barely ridden the bike, I’m getting depressed. >_<

Explains why I haven’t seen you out and about.

Just waking up now.

Setting the alarm was useless :lol

Yeah I was just thinking the other day that I haven’t seen you since, I think the ice cream ride.

Definitely gotta get back on the road come September.

ironic woke up at the same time:crackup

yeah no doubt.

Did you end up doing a track day?

My car was an issues, and enterprise wouldn’t get back to me on a solid price to rent a van, but I was looking at 250 or so. On top of that all the guys with trucks i knew backed out. So i just said screw it! fix my car which No shop can tell me whats wrong with, but they are sure after 500 dollars of guess work by them will fix the phantom problem. I think it just needs a break bleed.

On the plus side there is a track being built an hour away from here that will be ready next season so I’ll be there no doubt! :excited

I saw that! Pretty pumped up about that. :number1

oh for real? where abouts?

New oil, oil filter, coolant, plug, new and changed rear and front sprockets, valves checked, installed new catch can/breather manifold, lost the “tail” and moved the plate to a more SuperMoto friendly position. Rainy weekends can be good for something… Sunday sounds like a great day for a ride, count me in.

Vlad, you gonna 'tard it up with me or get all squiddy?

Pumped is an understatement!:ahh:lol
it’s all I’m looking forward too next year, the money it would cost me to get to NJMP once I think I could get 3 track days out of, depending on the price of the local spot.:wow


FYI, there is a track 4.5hrs away and it is there now.

Is 3.5 hour really make THAT much of a difference? :dunno

A 23.3333333333333333%…repeating difference.

It does when you’re trying to get there on your own, but things keep going wrong.:rofl Also it was about catching up with friends. An hour track means I can be out there once a month at the least, Even if my mustang bitches out. which it seems like once I fix one thing I have another problem with it.:banghead
I can still ride down there.:excited

The track in NH is 4.5hours and the NJ one is about 5.hours
the difference between the two besides time, for me is the fact 4 or 5 guys I know are regulars at NJMP sometimes a group of 10 show up. I still plan on going down at some point next year.

3.5 hours definitely makes that big of a difference. That’s 7 hours round trip vs 2 hours. I can be out there and back no problem.

Yeah, 1 hour compared to 4.5+ hours is definitely a big difference IMHO. No excuse not to travel 1 hour to a track. :stuck_out_tongue: