Riot? * Sabres*

Ok the last game the sabres won to get to the confernce finals in ottawa. people were going nuts. downtown was crazy and so was elmwood and by my house in North buffalo…Now what if we make it to the cup and win the cup. you think Buffalo will have a riot?

Ask us this question in 4 more wins.

Everyones hyping us up, going to the cup, and winning it.

When we are only halfway there.

Rioting—the unbeatable high
Adrenalin shoots your nerves to the sky
Everyone knows this town is gonna blow
And it’s all gonna blow right now….

Now you can smash all the windows that you want
All you really need are some friends and a rock
Throwing a brick never felt so damn good
Smash more glass
Scream with a laugh
And wallow with the crowds
Watch them kicking peoples’ ass

But you get to the place
Where the real slavedrivers live
It’s walled off by the riot squad
Aiming guns right at your head
So you turn right around
And play right into their hands
And set your own neighbourhood
Burning to the ground instead

Riot—the unbeatable high
Riot—shoots your nerves to the sky
Riot—playing into their hands
Tomorrow you’re homeless
Tonight it’s a blast

Get your kicks in quick
They’re callin’ the national guard
Now could be your only chance
To torch a police car

Climb the roof, kick the siren in
And jump and yelp for joy
Quickly—dive back in the crowd
Slip away, now don’t get caught

Let’s loot the spiffy hi-fi store
Grab as much as you can hold
Pray your full arms don’t fall off
Here comes the owner with a gun


The barricades spring up from nowhere
Cops in helmets line the lines
Shotguns prod into your bellies
The trigger fingers want an excuse

The raging mob has lost its nerve
There’s more of us but who goes first
No one dares to cross the line
The cops know that they’ve won

It’s all over but not quite
The pigs have just begun to fight
They club your heads, kick your teeth
Police can riot all that they please


Tomorrow you’re homeless
Tonight it’s a blast

Sorry I had a flash back to my teen years when I saw the word riot.
I hope there is no riot, Buffalo has had enough black eyes.

yea…can we please stop talking bout goin to the cup…fer fucks sake this city is going to go thru a depression if we dont make it-end rant

p.s.but I for one will go nuts

as much as id like to see them make it, im not getting my hopes up. i mean, this is a sports team from buffalo hahaha

If they didn’t riot after no-goal in 99, which happened in our building for those too young to remember, they won’t riot if we win.

I was there but then again I am old.:biglaugh:

i’ll burn my couch if they win

have no idea who you are but im totally holding you to it, i want pix of the charred remains

I’m one of those people who have never been drunk before…If the sabres win the cup, that little streak might be in danger :lol:

So will there be riots? nah, everyone will be laughing at me

well the way i see it downtown has nothing …so all those run down buildings and hobos will be destroyed… good idea GO SABRES!

good point…ill still go out and celebrate like whoa :lol:

dammit, i guess i’ll have to start looking for a replacement couch now.

im gonna flip cars.

Point further reinforced, +2 if it’s burned inside the house. +3 if cute kittens are trapped in the burning house.

And for the record I’m totally going to knock down a building with my hugeness.

it’s gonna get crazy. There were people driving down my street screaming GO SABRES until like 5 in the morning