

RIP… :frowning:

unfuckingbelievable…speechless. love the sabias

RIP Mario…

RIP Mario.

RIP :frowning:

Ugh…this all happened less then a mile from my house. I heard about it shortly after it happened, but I had no idea it was “one of us” til this morning. This is very disturbing for me, and for many others this morning. Going to take a while for it all to sink in to our minds.

crap i was at the call, i thought that was you… sorry man
god bless

EDIT: also - last i knew there was no stop ahead/stop sign to warn you about the gate.
if you KNOW the trails, please lead and use your hand signals

i know its to late now, and its not my job. im going to dig around i think i have a trail stop sign someplace they never came and got.

only met him a few times, cool dude. can’t believe this happened especially at this time, R.I.P. mario :frowning:

RIP :frowning:

what a bad night last night, i was so sad im so close with marc and mario ugh…i dont even know what to say R.I.P Mario I Love you Buddy

best wishes to the sabia family i love you guys

marc and mario live like 10 houses down from me and it was like a second home im down there so much. its just unreal

rip my brotha

RIP Mario

RIP. My prayers go out to his family and his brother.


last post =[

jesus…sorry…that sucks, im sorry for the loss. best wishes to friends and family. RIP.

RIP…My thoughts go out to his family and friends

RIP…i couldn’t believe this when i heard it :frowning:

wow. wtf.