wow sucks to hear this, RIP

didn’t know him but i’m sure he was a good guy, ugh…be carefull on the trails this year guys, i know i will be more carefull after hearing this

I dont know him or his family but my condolences go out to them. Awful thing to happen especially around xmas.

geezz, very sorry to hear this. My condolences and prayers to Marc and the Sabia family.

X2. RIP:(

wow RIP

i was just looking at this thread too

:tdown: terrible news,especially this time of the year.

RIP :frowning:



There’s no “good time of year” for something like this to ever happen, but if there was is sure wouldn’t be now.

and no parent should EVER have to bury their child, i can’t even begin to imagine that kinda hurt…

R.I.P. man, super shitty…

+3 Ive seen a few posts here and there of him… RIP

Oh and ya please be careful out there guys, I know a few friends that are into sledding and Id hate to see this happen to anyone else.

wow, that is just horrible to hear. My condolences to his family and friends.

the first thing i said when i read that was “STFU!”
wow! thats crazy, R.I.P. Mario, i cant even believe that, that happened and at the worst time of the year especially

its even more crazy that he just got the snowmobile:
very sad

Wow that is terrible.


RIP :frowning: hard to believe

RIP, unreal how something like this can happen right now…

…Words can’t describe how terrible this is, known him since 6th grade… guess it still hasnt sunk in… UGH… Mark if you need anything lemme know… RIP Mario… miss ya buddy


I just got the call about this today…Mark im so sorry bro, I don’t even know what to say.

you and him are the only two that still called me sack, I don’t think any of us will ever forget that day

R.I.P Mario, It has to be tough and to everyone else ride SAFE