this sucks to hear… keep us updated with INFO for the wake and everything im sure a good amount of people will want to make it for one last goodbye

Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear this. I don’t know many people on here in person but if theres anything I can do please let me know anyone. I’m in Rochester for 2 weeks. Anyone want to organize a flower arrangement that we can all chip in on? My sincerest condolences go out to friends and family.

When the date and times of the wake/funeral are posted the family asks to not to bring any flowers or anything that are christmas colors or related.

huh? so no red flowers or do they mean no red/white/green stuff?

ya no red/green/white combos. just nothing christmas related.

I feel so bad for the family, i cant blame them one bit for the color arrangment. But whenever the wake is i’ll be there! Marc if you need anything that i/we can help you out with please do not hesitate.
-CAL- 903-9199

same here marc, you got my number




fucking :cry:

rest in peace brother :frowning:


cant sleep. shouldnt be saying this but im having a hard time dealing with the fact of me checking to see if he is breathing and having no pulse is getting to me. i cant even close my eyes :frowning: and when i do. i panic

That had to be absolutely horrific. :frowning:

Man I was just out riding a bit today…

That’s just awful…


i was just thinking to myself… Mario is probably lookin down on this thread laughing, calling us a bunch on pussies! lol. he was a cool guy for sure and i’m going to miss him a lot

It is to be expected. You cant be hard on yourself. It was no ones fault, and especially not yours. I know that this is probably one of the hardest things that you will have to deal with/cope with in your life, but you will have to find a way. I have had very close family die right next to me but we expected it. For you this is an unexpected, and i cant imagine the pain, horror, and sorrow that you ar coping with. If you need anything, please dont hesitate to ask myself or for that matter any member of this board. We are all here for the same reason, and that can be expanded to help each other in times of need.

All of my condolences to Marios family friends and acquaintances.

rest in peace.

RIP. My sister called me earlier today and told me. I guess she knew him or something, not to sure how well. I never met him but always sounded like a cool guy.

This whole thing sucks so bad.

RIP and condolences to the family and friends.

I can’t imagine what you whent through out there… Please take care of yourself, stay with friends and family, talk to your friends and please please don’t blame yourself for anything.

Love and thoughts to all involved in this…

RIP Mario. Keep us updated on wake arrangements.

fuck. sucha good guy. FUCK

lol well said made me smile with a tear