risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

how can I send people materials? Do i need more advanced ships or a higher level trading post?

whats the “diplomacy” option do when you click on someones town? it says somthing about a treaty and you can type… but doesn’t really explain what to do lol

does anyone know what you had to build/research to trade with people?

I have 1000+ wood at my other island

diplomacy is just texting/email or whatever.

I’m still not 100% sure what treaty’s do or how you get them

Pretty sure from my readign you need to get higher in certain fields to be able to discuss/have alliance/treaties etc.

how do i send stuff far away??

not real sure… all of a sudden I was just able to do it.

maybe research seafaring?

i have my port and ships i just need to accumulate more stuff so i can send it out.

This action point shit sucks!!! FUck action points

WOO she has sulfer! ill be trading with your shortly mam

BOOST, come buy my marble, i give nyspeed discounts

tell me about it :tdown:

Up your town hall ya penis, every few levels of town hall and you get more AP.

Up to 8.28 new citizens every hour. HOLLA, that’s what you get when you feed your drunk citizens 11 wine’s an hour :smiley:

Anyways, about alliances and shit, you can do it after you get a level 3 embassy, which you need a palace to create. My palace is level one, and I’m working on my embassy. I’ll likely team up with Stevil or ILC once I get that far. Every few levels of an embassy after that can give you more connections / alliances I believe.

I don’t think I’m gonna throw any noobs any resources. Sorry. Just read this thread and pillage properly… you’ll be fine.

k lemme find you haha

I don’t know how these alliances will end up working to be honest… we might just be way too fucking far away

Carbon and I are very close so shipments don’t suck ass.

no shit… not sure if I missed it before, but it appears that you can now setup a que for building things… just a heads up

this would be really fucking awesome if you could script or set up like “cron jobs” to send off shipments to others…


I do believe there is a macro tool available for this game. Haven’t looked into it though

another FYI taken from the official message board

At the moment the corruption is 1% in all servers. On the 28 th of april it will be set to 20% and from that day, it will be 10% more each week until we get to 100%.

So on 28 corruption will be incrised by max value of 20%

If you still don’t have your governor residences please make them so that you don’t start losing gold


Ikariam.org team

100% corruption WTF… thats retarded