risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Sweet i have 3 action points now.

I tried pillaging a level 2 guy on my island that hasn’t donated with 5 slingers and lost. Now I gotta start building up my army again. Boooo!

AHH where do i get a governator?

Fuck, it’d take me 16h and a fuckload of gold to pillage fuzzy’s ass. Not worth it. :frowning:

I might set up a colony there though, then shit would hit the fan :smiley:

I setup another account:

The Other Ghetto
Leoluos 65:79

BTW Stevil, that one city on your island is PRIME for pillaging.

how the heck do you get governor residences? lol

which one? :pedo:

no idea lol

I think you need to build a palace and get it to a certain level… might have to research bureaucracy too

theres no way that will be done by the 28th haha

mah nigs on my island finally donated wood to the mill too… 100 per hour FTW

ok whenever i try to pillage somone, my troops get there, it says the battle is over, and nothing happens … what am i doing wrong! lol

Go to military and check battle reports. If its green, you won. Red, you didn’t. If you won, it’ll tell you what you were able to get at the bottom. Its takes a little bit sometimes.

You have to wait a bit for the results. If it doesn’t say “Jay Wins” and it says you have a lot of losses… you might have lost :frowning:

well i had no losses…but it doesn’t appear that i “gained” anything, would that show up on that report as well?

Takes a little bit sometimes… wait it out… they have to load the shit with whatever they can get

Give it some time. Does it say you won and that your troops are pillaging??

You can click the boat icon too. If you sent a boat to collect the goods, just put your mouse over that boat and a little pop-up will tell you whats on board.

did you win? if you won, you should be pillaging something atleast, even if it’s 2-3 gold.

does it say that the battle is over? or that your troops arrived?

d’oh, all i got was wood lol

Should be pillaging quite nicely by this evening. My island is full of slackers, and maybe one person worth becoming an ally with.

i got pillaged.

they only got 4 gold. lol

i keep forgetting to play this. hmph.