damm, I’m out of wood and glass
How do you que shit up?
I think that needs to be researched does it not?
not sure, it just tells me that, while a building is being built/upgraded that I can still build to a que
Just got home from the Bison’s games, did some shit.
Anyways, where should I build my first colony?
up your ass fggt
I would take a look at what the pricey resources are around you and then build there. I personally would build on crystal first. Because ILCisDEAD is on marble so I have a hookup there already. Or maybe sulfur. Sulfur = war
I have too much sulfur I don’t know what to do with it all.
sureshot i need wine
Marble is now available. <3
I kind of want to take over the island i’m on is that bad?
still need marble…
i have plenty of wine if anyone is near [56:70]
i’m not very far in this game yet and i have no clue how far i can travel.
I’ll send ya some as soon as my ship arrives.
BTW, got an embassy so we can start doing alliances now
edit: I could use some wine (only have 4 hours worth of it left), but you’re too far away
thank you sir, i made the mistake of not upgrading my trading post first, which left me with only a 1 island radius and thats not working out so well since noone is selling marble near me lol
Stevil, let’s start this alliance up, k?
I’m thinking about setting up a colony on your island just for the hell of it.
search for this alliance once you build an embassy :tup: Just founded it
i’ll be going for the embassy next then… doesn’t look like i’m too far away from it