risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

holla. i need to get cracking now.

Okay, Will do when I can.

Might want to change the name to:

[NYSpd] NYSpeed



it’s actually just nyspeed… the [nyspd] is a tagline you had to create for it. So just search for nyspeed

I’m just getting going here and some ass on my island keeps pillaging me and taking all my wood.

If anybody wants to teach him a lesson you are welcome. I’ve got crystal on my island that I could donate later.

My town:
Name: Garick
Town name: Chilly beach

Other guys town:
He’s level 5 and seems to have 34 slingers

Just sent you 125 wine, hook me up with some marble, however much you feel like sending is fine… i’m at the 800 cap on crystal and sulphur though, so don’t send any of those things, lol

If that’s near me, which I think it might be, I’ll fuck his world up and send him a death threat to boot

edit: sorry homie, that’s a 6hr voyage for me. can’t help ya :frowning:

So I got pillaged over night and they took 400 wood/130 sulfur and 2 gold :frowning:

Time to build a military.

just get a few ballista ships in your dock, like 2-3. When their transport boats get sent back, chances are they won’t persue you and will go after an easier kill

lol I have about 150 or so marble I can send. I’m pillaging someone right now so as soon as I get an action point back, I’ll send it to you.

if you’re feeling generous I could really use some crystal to advance my academy (I need around 220).

Some sulfur wouldn’t hurt either lol

I can buy that stuff though

edit: I’ll send you 200 marble

If that’s near me, which I think it might be, I’ll fuck his world up and send him a death threat to boot


Adam says:
fuck how do you stop a que
ILCisDEAD says:
Adam says:
i accidentally clicked build… for 15 swordsmen
Adam says:
ILCisDEAD says:
Adam says:



But seriously, I need to stop this shit. I meant to build 6 phlanaxs… wtf

I want to buy some sulfur, but the only shit available in my distance is the douche who attempted to pillage me.

Maybe I’ll buy it to be a dick. lol

Work needs to end soon today. Ugh.

what do you need to research for the embassy

Field of Research: Seafaring
Name: Foreign Cultures


* Expansion (Seafaring)
* Espionage (Science)

I’m just starting now.

whos got the hook up for wine i need some bad

I’ve got plenty.

How much you need? Trade for some glass?

Island = Breiyuos (56:70)
Town = Leetoria

EDIT_ Just looked. I can’t send ships that far yet. :meh:

when you can let me know

I could use some resources but im building my town up as much as i can before building a trading dock :slight_smile:

i have crystal and am building up so I can trade with you guys in a day, I’m hoping