risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

i see a shipment of marble on the way dr stevil, thanks!

n/p man

this game is really getting in the way of my paper writing.

if only these people could research faster in the game.

I am attempting my first pillage… and on good news I killed a spy :snky:

Can someone send me some marble, wine and sulfur?

I have glass if you need some of that :slight_smile:

World > Alditia[74:40]
Clean Baldy is my town.


Can someone tell me the fucking point of colonizing on a different Island if you can’t harvest that resource?

wait, you can’t? that’s stupid

I got 150 wine coming your way. Takes about 5 hours from now. I’ll take all the glass you can spare.

Located at 60:48
town is Minis Tirith

need more grapes :frowning:

my growth is in the negative as is the happiness.

I just dispatched 100 to you. Be there in about 9 hours.

thanks man :tup:

Man everytime I pillage, I win but only get like 5 gold. Then on top of that I need a ton of marble to upgrade anything but everytime I try to buy it, my ships come back empty :frowning:

I can use glass if anyone has any to spare. I’d do a trade for wine if you need any. Could use marble too.

I guess not… I haven’t been given the option to do so :frowning:

Carbon… You have 500 marble on the way

Holy shit! I sent you 250 wine before I saw this. Its gonna take me a little bit to get more. I should be set on marble for a while. I’ll keep sending you wine though.

Oh yeah and my embassy is almost done. I got confused and built a palace instead. Oh well, I’ll need one eventually anyway.

i’ll send you sulfur if you send me glass.

Anyone able to send me marble? Chriaciios[56:66]/Sparta.

Big :tup: if so.

ryan. Sent ya 200 marble… its gonna take 2 hours though

This governors palace better let me harvest some shit over here… I have 60 fucking lazy assholes just chillin in my colony don’t fucking nothing…

If I can’t harvest on my new island I fucking quit

^^ thanks. Maybe now I’ll be able to get some things going :tup:!