risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Looks like I have an incoming attack. It’s listed as “Mission of Own Units” but I can guarantee that I have no attacks on myself in 5 hours from now. My guess is someone is attacking me from a pretty good way away unless its one of my trade ships coming back.

Anyone want to donate some sulphur so I can build up some defenses?

Trade ports should hopefully be upgraded enough within an hour or 2 to start effectively shipping large quantities of marble all over.

i sent a message to the alliance thing

Did you send an attack towards someone else?

I read on the forum that there is a bug with the software, where if you direct an attack at someone and their port is already barricaded by another town, that your fleet will come back to your town and attack it.

I hope thats not the case for your sake!

Fuck yea… you can collect those resources i’m such a dumbass!

ILCisDEAD - Marble and Crystal

ILC how much did it cost to colonize a new place?

palace is needed first… expansionism… 12K gold and a shit ton of resources lol

everyone still on Lambda?

I’m going to sign up


regretting building an embassy. Anyone else want to take over as an alliance leader? You can only have someone join for every 3 levels you upgrade it

lots and lots of $$$$$/resources/time

I got some stuff from Tevenor and I want to return the favor, yet I cant ship to him.

Do I need a trade port past level 1 to do that, or is there something else I’m needing to ship further, like a research of some type?

I read earlier on to just keep my trade port at level 1, to stop looters from getting too much…


so just came back from the weekend and have 35k in $$ and maxed out on all wood and wine … yea yea

I’ll take it over, but you are missing a key aspect of it. LOL.

The members of the alliance are supposed to contribute thier diplomat points to the embassy pool for that purpose. So everyone that joins should be dumping their 3 points in, etc… that way can keep letting people in.

So make me the leader :smiley:

Anyways… regarding colonizing (sp?) it keeps saying i need 2 trade ships, but i have many cargo ships, and there is no “trade ship” in the game, as far as I could tell by using the help section… Nevermind, I’m an idiot and figured it out.


LOL, just got this message:

“Rat BSTRD… You CNT! You dare try to invade me… You just made the short list. Sleep tight sweetheart. I will be seeing you soon. It wasn’t worth it was it!!!”

I replied:

“Hello, I play multiple accounts at the same time from different computers. I’m what you would call a “power gamer.” If you are really serious about starting a war with me, please try to invade one of my cities. If you do, I will gladly use all my other accounts to keep your ports permanently blocked and keep invading you for days so that the only resources you have are what your warehouse can hold. You will not be able to trade for anything other than what is on your island, and you will not be able to grow. I am doing this to 2 other independent cities that are challenging me, and I’ve already made three other players quit. I realize this game is all about fun and I apologize for ruining your stay in this internet game, but I do not work, do not socialize with people not on the computer… I live with my parents and am 31. This is my life, and if you f**k with it, I will destroy you. Sorry about the length, hopefully you took the time to read it all and will realize that any interaction with me will be a losing battle.”

^^^lol great

you just made some 14year old kid shit

i have a lot of sulfur and no use for it right now? does anyone need any? i need marble realll bad…

Actually I need a lot of suphur to support my ships and stuff. My location is 35:38 if you are close enough… :slight_smile:

i’d send you some, but for some reason when i click on your town all that comes up is diplomacy.

Sounds like all your ships are being used, or you have no action points, or w/e. It’s no sweat tho, don’t worry about it, I’ll pillage someone and take their stuff. Thanks anyways

edit: how long does this damn colony take to build wtf!

I need sulphur and glass

lol, ok, I don’t know what to do either. I’m at embassy level 4 and it’s still telling me that I have 0 diplomacy points. Do you need 3 points to join or something?

fuck it… I’ll try the forums