risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

im at 32:52… i think to far

i set up a blockade around a town, and now i want to pillage. will my troops just do that automatically or do i send more troops out?

I’ve never actually blockaded, just threatened people that I will. Sorry i can’t help.:frowning:

Jay, you have a msg

with reading what it says it seems you have to select pillage like you normally would.

:tup: for going hard core

got my first colony and i cant use resources yet

i need some wine and marble

thanks :tup:

looks like your shipment didn’t make it tho :frowning:

^ pirates?

ok to join the NYS alliance do I send a message or is there a join button?

build embassy. go to embassy. search for NYS alliance nyspeed. learn to read :stuck_out_tongue:

lol I built an embassy already, found NYS alliance

edit: sent a message

NYS alliance is the 99th most powerful alliance in the game. WTF WE SUCK PICK IT UP BOYS

built a new embassy and still a member of nyspeed


I still cant build my embassay wtf!?!?!

Side note, having an a lot of army/ships is quite costly lol.

Totally got my gf addicted to this now as well, and she hates video games. Although she yells at me for pillaging poor defenseless villages haha.

Isn’t there a little foot kick icon you can click next to your name when you go into your embassy? I know I have it in mine ever since sureshit gave me the diplomat/ home sec title.

sureshot, check your messages. I have Num482 trying to get admittance but it won’t let me add him.

signed up, started building a barracks… waited for a minute and realized i had 5 to go so i gave up.

I have same glass if anyone needs some, will trade for wine.

Hopefully Carbon will be able to add me to NYS, I should have 3 points since you get them when you build the embassy. Do you want me to upgrade my embassy and see if you can add me then?

Hey man, I didn’t see an invite from you. Are you sure you didn’t just send someone a message by accident? Did you go through the whole alliance search method etc?

ok, finally figured out how to break up my alliance.
