risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

I think mine took 45 mins., did it not tell you how long it takes?

no, but the on the transport page (when you click on the ship icon on the top) it says it will be done @ 19:19:01… didn’t notice it at first

Word we are totally gonna stomp some fools out. We need to mobilize and start killin’ fools that are fucking with our resources.

Gotta claim the territory, you know? I think we should all try and colonize on one island and just consistently attack till the people quit. Then colonize that spot, etc. etc etc.

I love finding a level 9 person with no military score. It’s like taking candy from a baby!!!

^ lol

sureshot… I just colonized on the same island that you’re on (sulfur island). Let’s start jacking people up :smiley:

can we declare war on another alliance?

oh, and for anyone who can spare some… I need sulfur real bad.

Got marble and a little glass to trade for it

I’m not sure, but that fucker QuietFire has attacked me every single day because I won’t donate lmao. If you were to look at my military score, you’d see why he never wins. hehe. Plus I’ve upgraded my phalanx’s at the workshop :smiley:

Nice, how much sulphur you want? I’m always in the mood for glass + marble :smiley:

as much as you can spare. I need to build my military some more, but have 0 sulfur lol

I got around 800 marble and 15 glass to trade with :smiley:

300 for 300?

Do you want it delivered to your new city or your capital

capital. new city is still building

300 works… sending now

edit: wont be able to send it until my colony is done being built… still a few hours away :\

Kinda sucks that I’m on the other side of the world from you guys. I’d be down to fuck some people up!!

start a colony near us when you can

BTW. once you start a new colony, does that have it’s own action points? or are you limited to the capitals action points?

It has it’s own

Plus you can build another academy to help increase the rate of research, etc.

First thing though, get that tavern up so you can max your people out asap. And once you all have museums, we can all start to share shit

My second colony is growing at 8.45 an hour! LOL

and, I sent out 3 slingers from that new colony to pillage, and a second trade ship had to warp to the town to bring back this:

24.04.2008 18:00 Your fleet has returned to sound karte from plundering

* Gold: 11
* Wine: 414
* Crystal glass: 172

I had a second pillage from my other colony and it only got away with 10 gold and 10 wine. I cleaned him dry! hahaha

can some preeeeease send me some wine. my people are going to kill me. :whip:

I would but my hands are tied for a while :\

pillage wine islands, thats how Ive been getting mine

Did anyone else notice that to get 2 colonies, you need 5,488 gold and 525 marble to upgrade your palace? And if you want a 4th to get all 4 types of resources, it’ll cost you 20,462 wood and 7,170 marble!!!


I wanted to build all 4 minerals right next to each and then after that, get more built by all of you… but, looking at the costs, it doesnt look like its even possible to get more than maybe 5!

BOOOOO!!! I’m already so far from everyone!

i’m trying to now. we’ll see how it goes.