risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Holy Hell! I just did a pillage on a level 6 with 0 military and ALL 8 of my ships went to pick up goods! hahahahhaha! Theres like 2000 wood, 400 sulfur! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!

I sure hope he doesnt have any friends

Yeah Baldy, it’s been taking me more than a day to get the fucking wood together. I keep blowing it on upgrades… I want my 2nd colony pretty fucking bad!

And I love the pillages that net you 500+ of a resource… hehe. Which would normally cost oh… 20,000 lol.

Baldy why havent you tried to join the alliance ya hoser

I just started 3 days ago. Im doing the efficent build to get the highest score and most resources. The academy still hasnt researched what I need yet!

So, I’m just getting as large as I possibly can as quickly as I can while I wait for the dumb researchers :slight_smile:

Haha alright, powergaming, i like it. Let us know when you get that embassy up!

Who has the most trade ships? I have 9 :slight_smile:

Also, just discovered that to send ships to a colony, you need a shipyard there too. I built three more ram ships to go watch my second town… it said it was required.

I have 14 :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugh, I want to get Glass research so bad!

I still need:

Foreign Cultures, Culinary Specialities, Geometry, Market, Cultural Exchange and Anatomy first!

Gonna take FOREVER!

Compare your points: 1,717
Mine: 700

Do you have three colonies? Where are all of those points coming from??

I only have 1 colony and 1 capital.

My buildings are very upgraded, I fast-tracked research pretty quickly, and I dominate pillaging.

I dunno what the arithmetic is for calculating the score, but w/e ~~1!

Only one colony!?

You really need to expand! I put my second colony in and I have 5 action points to pillage with! My score has gone up 300 alone, just today!

My resources have quadrupled since this morning… and with wine flowing in from pillaging, my second colony is expanding at an awesome rate! It should be up at the level of my first place within 3 days…

How do I transfer ships to another colony? Under “Deploy Fleet” when I sent them to my other colony, it shows up as an attack…

I was able to transfer troops with the “Deploy Troops”

Same thing? Is it just showing as an attack, but in fact… those two ships will become part of my other colony?

Yeah they’ll just become part of you new colony.

what the FUCK… my account’s been banned (both of them)

fuck this game…

WARNING for those that have 2 accounts… don’t trade between the 2 too often or you’ll probably end up banned as well

What do you mean, banned?! Did you have more than one account or something?? WTF?

yeah… but I was building both of them the same. (wasn’t using one just to farm materials for the other or anything like that)

Read the game rules! RULE #1 is “No multi accounting”


If they were both in Lamda, and you had the same IP address from both…

In the rules it says it is allowed if they dont transfer stuff between each other. You may be able to mail the game makers and say “It is my girlfriend and I. Sorry, we didnt know we had to tell you. I havent been trading with her”

Have you been trasferring stuff back and forth?

fuck me… I didn’t even realize it was against the rules.

what if my g/f, wife, sibling, room mate, etc was playing from the same location?

shit sucks :frowning: so much time wasted lol

lol, maybe a little bit :burnin: Nothing too crazy though

I mean, it’s not any different than what we’re doing…


The only difference is that your IP addresses are identical…

I’d mail em and say “I didnt realize, it is my girlfriend and me in the same house. I just read the rule showing I needed to contact you, and I also didnt realize we couldnt trade with each other. I won’t trade with her and I’ll tell her not to trade with me. Please unban the accounts. Thanks”

Or something like that :slight_smile:

Hopefully it works out OK! Otherwise, start back up… I’ll transfer you a shit ton of stuff…

Heres the rule:

I. Multi-Accounting

* Each player is allowed to control no more then a single account per World (Server).

  If two or more accounts are usually, occasionally, or permanently being played from the same network a GameOperator must be notified, without exception. In these cases the accounts will not be able to have fleet contact while on the same connection.