risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

ok cool… I just canceled them.

I see you were in mid pillage too :lol:

we should be able to trade real soon… when I get home, I’ll change the email account it’s linked too. I’m doing everything remotely from my home machine. Don’t want to take any chance and have it flag this account from being on the same IP as the other 2

OK, I need some input…

There is a Town Size: 10
Total Score: 1,013
Military Score: 2,466
Gold Score: 78,014 (702)

I have 3 slingers, 6 swordsman and 2 phalanx, along with 2 ram and 2 of the other war ship you can get… and my score is 3,500.

I think he feels safe… If I had all 9 of my ships open, and I attacked him… think I’d win? :slight_smile: I feel I’d be pulling back 9 trade ships worth of stuff…

baldy, got your info updated per the pm :tup:

Ever since I downloaded firefox yesterday with that add-on, I’ve been pillaging constantly!!

I don’t know. Sureshot has the most pillaging experience. Maybe he can weigh in.

LOL you guys are fucking wild.

Just message me in game with anything… keeping up with this thread is a bitch sometimes!

Anatomy… 2D 5H. GAY. Next is Glass though, woot.

Lealuos (65:79)

lol, you want to take over updating the OP? :smiley: hahaha

I think you should try it just so we can get a feel of what works and what doesn’t.

I have 27 upgraded phalanx between 2 cities, and a bunch of ships. People try and fuck with me all the time but get beat down haha. I think they don’t use the score tool though… I bet if they did they’d know I was a beastly 15k military score :fry::fry::fry:

13.5 hours away :frowning:

Gah! If I knew when I started what I know now… I’d have recreated my account a few times to be closer to everyone!!!

Jeff chances are it won’t let you battle him.

I had a guy bring 43 slingers my way when I had a score of 2,000 military and it told him that a sea battle would lose, so he turned back.

i have 3 accounts one in lamda,eta and beta

not bad, 4hr 40min from me

not bad at all :tup:

5h 36m 14s from me

I have yet to really learn how to battle. Mind explaining this a little more?

Say I have my 4 war ships, my 2 phalanx and 6 swordsman in my one town and want to attack… at what point do I actually get a warning saying “you may not win”??


Pillaging has become my favorite sport :slight_smile:

If I keep up my pace, I’ll get my 5000 wood by tonight so I can get my Palace up one more level, and then get a new colony tomorrow by selling the rest of my pillaged items!

Ha ha, same here!

Thank you sureshot!!! That add-on is tits!!!

Nice neighbors, I am having to go further and further away now to pillage because I’ve pillaged the crap out of the ones next to me so each time I go now there isn’t much left. So far I am 32-2 lol.

what do you need to build a governors residence?