risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

I wonder why they turned off that account but not the one I’m using. You should email them and tell them that we were roommates or something and that now you have your own place.

As far as new members in the alliance goes, I don’t have that control. I think its still on Stevil. The only thing I can do as diplomat is edit the external alliance page.

Edit: I have a museum going up for anyone that wants to exchange shit.

i could use some!

same here on the crystal

I am trying to pillage someone…but it wont seem to let me

anyone with a 0 military rating turns yellow when I click on them and diplomacy is the only option

if they have a military rating then I could try to pillage them…wird

crystal on the way

i could use some too if you have extra still

ugh yea cant figure out why I cant pillage anyone…

no blockades…have all 3 of the cargos in, and 4 slingers waiting…

grrr cant get anyone…

psngr and officer have 300 crystal coming, psngr its coming from Abyss, officer its coming from chaos.

boost Ill send some later once I get some action points back.

If you guys can send anything back such as wine or sulphur that would be great.

hrmm I think I have wine I will send you, want it to chaos?

yeah chaos will be fine

what do your action points say? i can’t pillage now because i’m 3/3

ok cool

hrmm is there any limit on distance for pillaging?

I can pillage in the cluster of island right around me, but ones like 2 clusters away I cannot…

i’ll send some sulfur out, where do you want it to go?

yeah it says 3 of 3, but available? not like 0/3…?dont know if that makes sense

i think that means that you used up your actions, i’m not sure how you get back to 0/3. someone that is more familiar with pillaging with know.

psngr just send it to abyss since you already know where it is

yeah what are coords of chaos?

65:66 is chaos

ok im dumb/ignorant…how does one send goods…sighhhh I really need to read more

As long as your action points aren’t at zero, you should be able to pillage. Make sure the person your trying to pillage doesn’t have a palm tree next to their name. That means they’re on vacation mode.

I don’t seem to have a range on pillaging…

Go to the world map, type in the coords, find the town you want to send to (and click) , click on transport goods, select goods to be sent, and hit send. Voila!!