risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

you may want to build 2 or 3 ships and keep them in the water in case someone tries attacking.

if an enemy sends a spy into your city you could be an easy target

Yeah i read that on the forum. It might have to do with the fact that it appears only one other person on my island is actually trying. 5 people have no one working at the mill. I canned my other soldier too.

So I bit and joined up. I am on Lambda, on the island Kelatia. Look for Minas Tirith if anyone wants to ally, etc.

what are your x,y coordinates? and what mineral is on your island?

Welcome to the party Sean! What is your islands special resource??

Oh, and I figured out the gold bonus. It depends on your island’s world wonder. Everyone on my island and myself get a defense bonus.

Coordinates are 60:48. My islands special is vineyard too. :slight_smile:

nice :tup:

finally mining marble too, so if anyone needs some let me know

can anyone translate this?

i dun know why you didn’t against me ?
if you want a peace for u and for me , i wish a trade together . Agree me ?

edit: great, getting attacked (level 7 douche)

anyone high enough in level to give me a hand? lol
edit:n/m shouldn’t be too bad

Turd Ferguson
Arditia 31 47

lol he took 3 gold (and killed my army :()

I sent a message to the only other town thats higher then level 1 on my island to make sure he won’t attack. And I maxed out my researchers (12). I need to upgrade my academy again.

lol i have 16 researchers… almost got “wealth” so i can get the marble going… then hopefully get the wine press… to get some booze up in my shit

like I said, if any of you guys need any marble let me know

fuck yeah… toooooons of $$$ wood and marble

if you need anything actually, let me know… we’ll work something out. I’d rather not keep it all here anyway as I don’t want a looter to get it

edit: make sure that you upgrade your warehouse as much as possible to keep your maximum number of protected materials as high as you can

Yes! Waking up to this game is awesome.

Tons of wood and cashmoney… researched a ton of shit too :smiley:

I’m pumpin my academy all day long today :smiley:

I want to be the first to get steam monsters!

NOOOOOOOOOOo i’m not doing this, i’m not signing up, not doing this, not doing this… freaking towers game owned me for a week i can’t start this crap again!!


you check it once an hour, yes YOU CAN!