risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

lol the start of a great day… over night i maxed out my wood and have crazy $$

i also won my battle with 3 guys but got nothing out of it

Do it. It’s not even fun, just a time waster.

And if you want something fun… do this one :smiley: http://onslaught.playr.co.uk/index.static.php

you know its not that big of a time waster b/c it takes so long do build things and such …

and I’m back at it again today. Have a good amount of wood and money, time is the only problem.

EDIT: Later on us nyspeeders can colonize an empty island and make it our own.

^^ yea once we get to the level where we can move to diff places

good deal :tup: didn’t know that

OP updated for new people

please send me more specific info if your profile is missing anything (mineral/X,Y’s, etc)

Fuck I need crystal glass. I will pay for it. Please???

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I got 50 I can send you, as long as you have a port (I don’t need it yet)

edit: n/m, I can send you around 10… need the rest for my next town hall upgrade

i have wine… nothing good on my lil island here

now with us in diff worlds can we still traid things back and forth?

yeah, I’ll send ya some over. Shoot me some wine if ya want, I can’t harvest it here

never mind, you’re on an oddball server :frowning:

i dont even have a bar yet… im just getting to lv 3

I have a port, but need 29 glass for my next academy upgrade :frowning:

Thanks though :frowning:

Can we alliance up at least? I’m 35:38 / Lauroos

nevermind, I got confused.

Sending some marble and glass over now

feel free to send some wine back :tup:

EDIT: just sent it, you’ll get it in about 6-7mins

as for an alliance, I think there needs to be a building made to host an alliance. I think Jay posted about it a few pages back

I’ll try :slight_smile: ETA on the shipment?

why can i not find anyone … does it really matter what “world” im on

If you clikc on th the town hall, is everyone’s population in red and a negative number? :frowning:

gotta be lamda at least

yea im a -61

yeah, you chose the ETA server instead on the lambda

so unless you start a new one, you wont be able to play with us