Robinson area??

cool, send me a PM with what shirt you want!

Ill be down the stript later tonight with the New hotness. Just got the new pittspeed shirt. Im sure ill be there with zex and parkbench but not sure yet whos going… prolly the usual people.

why’s the parkbench coming off?
what about the badges

as of today he is dewinged and debadged…

not debadged

we are going to be at 1st try putting in his fuel pumppppper

dude I know it doesnt take 8 hours to do a honda fuel pump heh. That does suck you guys have to drop the tank though thats not fun. but im talking about 10 - 11 tonight.


i just saw parkbench, at the bench was still attached

so i hear…we need to taek it off for him tonight since it technically wasn’t supposed to go in jeffs shop till off…plus he said he was taking it off anyways

so, anyone up for meeting up this week? weahter providing

i work in robinson and live 5 minutes from it also so im down :slight_smile:

well i am jsut kinda curious as to who would be interested in meeting up say weds or thurs and get a group togther but i amd ef up for tonight its T-top weathe rubt i wanna get somthing togther thurs-ish

PS needs MORE meets!!!

more than in ur mouth

thats great i love meat
