Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

What do you do for work? Are you a lawyer? Doctor? Financial consultant? Work at the family firm or something?

You shouldve just said Ur welcome:lol

property maintenance


Internet brings out the worst in people for sure. In real life, Cossey, Tony, and everyone else that I’ve met from here are all good bros.

Nothing wrong with that, doesnt sound like the kind of job that gets somebody a lambo and a zed Arrgh one though

This is true, its a lot easier for everyone to speak their mind on the internet because there is no fear of a physical altercation. Its a bit of a double edged sword since it obviously leads to a lot of drama on the site but there probably wouldnt be nearly as much BS in person.

agreed… I rarely post anything on forums anymore. Everyone is so quick to be an internet hero and start the next big thing, its actually quite annoying to read. Its retarded… everyone wants to know and air out everyones business and be the first to call everyone out.

I thought the ending was obvious but Cossey and h0twheelz take the short bus… :slight_smile:

It’s similar to drinking in the aspect that it can bring out the real feelings. Personally, I’d rather just avoid the drama and have a good time, albeit on here, at the bar, car meet, whatever.

The problem is that people take things WAY serious. However, some things shouldn’t be said.

i would have to say your also guilty of doing the same, posting about your big money wheels, seats, etc, etc…

you mean low blow’s on physical disability’s shouldn’t be a target for someone?!?!?!?!

Meh. Every time Chris and I have hung out, cars were rarely mentioned, lol. In fact, that goes for most here that have spent a reasonable amount of time with me.

Disagree. Cossey was around way before he had money and acts no different.

I can act like Im ballin out of control if that will help the situation, Ive got 10.5" wide wheels son. Cost me a premium.

after reading all of this i came to a conclusion , tony i know ya as we both know . as most on here have noticed your about the flair and the drama that followes ya , not real sure if ya get off on it or what . butt the target ya have on your back is there from your own doing not 1 person put it there but you . along with that ya made your own drama with other friends of yours not to long ago , not blamin ya as i heard the story as it trickled down the vine and i quickly heard your story . butttt goin at peeps the way ya do and some of the shit ya say isnt cool man , dont get me wrong if i was in your position id do th esame things a little diff yes but yeah the same . since i have known ya you have always had fast and nice shit . but dont shit on the little guys that dont have the money or have other requirements . cause trust me with some small changes in there stuff , the zr1 is a small spec of possible kills if they wanted it

everything aside…john i will stab u with 2 screw drivers!!!


but on the real…

cracking on the handicap and referring to cosseys settlement because of a tragic event are just weak ass blows.

try it yo :thumbup:lol
